How polyphenols can influence the aroma of Sauvignon blanc wines

How polyphenols can influence the aroma of Sauvignon blanc wines

Dr. Carien Coetzee Basic Wine 31 August 2022   Wines contain thousands of molecules, some volatile (aromatic) and some non-volatile (non-aromatic). Research often focuses on the interactive effects of aromatic molecules and their impact on the overall sensorial...
Fault focus – Geosmin dragging your wine through the mud

Fault focus – Geosmin dragging your wine through the mud

Dr. Carien CoetzeeBasic Wine30 June 2021   Imagine your wine being described as “damp soil”, “earthy”, “musty”, “muddy” and “beets”. A compound called geosmin is usually responsible for these unwanted nuances in wine.  Often confused for TCA, which contribute...
Carbon dioxide and its sensory influence

Carbon dioxide and its sensory influence

Dr. Carien Coetzee Basic Wine 11 August 2020 The concentration of dissolved carbon dioxide (CO2) can have a major influence on the sensory perception of wine. Attributes commonly associated with CO2 in beverages include “tingling”, “prickling”, “burning”, “fizzy” and...