Vlog #3: Matija Lesković – Is copper the solution to fixing reductive wines?
Is copper the solution to fixing reductive wines? Post-bottling results from a recent study shed some light on the exact effects Matija Lesković is an oenologist and third-year oenology PhD student at Stellenbosch University, mentored by Professor Wessel du Toit. His...
Removing copper-H2S complexes using membrane filtration
Dr. Carien Coetzee Basic Wine 30 June 2020 FOCUS ON H2S: Part 6 The entire Focus on H2S series has highlighted the importance of removing the copper-H2S complex from wine, especially in cases where copper was added as a remedial treatment for the removal of reductive...
Copper and SO2 used together – effect on H2S
Dr. Carien CoetzeeBasic Wine20 May 2020 FOCUS ON H2S: PART 4COPPER AND SO2 USED TOGETHER – EFFECT ON H2S The mechanisms involved in the formation of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) post-bottling are not yet as well defined as those involved during fermentation. However,...