Removing copper-H2S complexes using membrane filtration

Removing copper-H2S complexes using membrane filtration

Dr. Carien Coetzee Basic Wine 30 June 2020 FOCUS ON H2S: Part 6 The entire Focus on H2S series has highlighted the importance of removing the copper-H2S complex from wine, especially in cases where copper was added as a remedial treatment for the removal of reductive...
Copper and SO2 used together – effect on H2S

Copper and SO2 used together – effect on H2S

Dr. Carien CoetzeeBasic Wine20 May 2020   FOCUS ON H2S: PART 4COPPER AND SO2 USED TOGETHER – EFFECT ON H2S The mechanisms involved in the formation of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) post-bottling are not yet as well defined as those involved during fermentation. However,...
The effect of pH on H2S formation

The effect of pH on H2S formation

Dr. Carien CoetzeeBasic Wine20 May 2020   FOCUS ON H2S: PART 3THE EFFECT OF pH AND COPPER ON THE FORMATION OF H2S POST-BOTTLING As described in Part 1 and Part 2 of this Focus on H2S series, copper (Cu2+) plays an important role in post-bottling formation of...