Nov 23, 2020 | Blog, Vlogs
The Sauvignon Blanc SA Top10 in a nutshell Dr. Carien Coetzee is an Oenologists who completed her PhD in Oenology at the University of Stellenbosch in 2014. Her dissertation focussed on the effect of oxidation and ageing on Sauvignon Blanc chemical and sensory...
Nov 23, 2020 | Blog, Vlogs
Is copper the solution to fixing reductive wines? Post-bottling results from a recent study shed some light on the exact effects Matija Lesković is an oenologist and third-year oenology PhD student at Stellenbosch University, mentored by Professor Wessel du Toit. His...
Nov 23, 2020 | Blog, Vlogs
Enartis Nutriferm X – Bringing POWER to thiol production For more information, e-mail Lida at Lida Malandra is the General Manager of Enartis South Africa. In 2003, Malandra completed a Masters degree in molecular microbiology at...
Nov 23, 2020 | Blog, Vlogs
Profiling the aromatic evolution in a glass: differences between premium and ultra premium Sauvignon blanc wines (originally presented at the 42nd SASEV Conference 2020) For more information, e-mail Dr Jeanne Brand at Dr Jeanne Brand holds a PhD in...