Fault focus: Mousiness

Fault focus: Mousiness

Dr. Carien CoetzeeBasic Wine31 January 2024   Mousy off-flavour is a relatively infrequent yet serious phenomenon in wine and other fermented beverages. In severe cases, the spoilage can render wine unpalatable and, since there is no known satisfactory method for...
Stirring things up – Sauvignon blanc juice stabulation

Stirring things up – Sauvignon blanc juice stabulation

Dr. Carien CoetzeeBasic Wine30 January 2024   What is stabulation?   During “normal” winemaking practices, the juice lees (solids) are removed from the juice (by sedimentation or flotation and subsequent racking) after pressing. Usually, this process is...
Wine Allergies and Intolerances

Wine Allergies and Intolerances

Dr. Carien CoetzeeBasic Wine29 September 2023   Chances are that you or someone you know has experienced unpleasant and uncomfortable symptoms after consuming even small amounts of wine. Just like some people have allergies to pollen or pets, some individuals may...